Malware Development


  • start VM
  • rto : Passw0rd!
  • copy to VM

Background: Portable Executable


  • PEBear
  • ProcessHacker

When running a dll dllMain will be used, with different events.

rundll32 implant.dll,RunME (RunME is a function defined within implant.dll)

Payloads and Droppers

  • where to store your payload?
    • .text
      • store teh payload in a local variable of the function main
      • allocate memory buffer (PAGE_READWRITE)
      • copy memory into buffer
      • make it executable (PAGE_EXECUTE_READ)
      • create a thread and run it
    • .data
      • store the payload in a global variable
    • .rsrc (resource section)
      • resources are defined in .rc files, special handling during compilation
      • FindResource, LoadResource, LockResource
      • then continue as used to

payload encryption/decryption

You can encode payloads, but this is not encryption. Typically base64 is used for that.

To get base64 version of the binary shellcode version: certutil -encode input.bin base64.bin

Encryption, typically XOR or AES: - XOR: should be easy, just add a simple xor-decrypt function before move-memory - AES: more complex

Function-Call Obfuscation: - against detection based upon imported DLLs and functions - replace direct function calls with function pointers to the right functions - the function lookup still needs strings we can use in-place XOR to obfuscate that even more. As key, we can use one of the non-obvious strings already within the binary

backdooring PE files: creating Trojans

  • code cave: using spare space
    • problem: maybe not enough space
    • how:
      • find code space
      • jump to the code space jmp
      • save registers pushad, pushfd
      • append shellcode to the code space
      • re-add original jump (so that application resumes)
        • before that, restore registers
        • popfd, popad
        • jmp
  • new section
    • no size constraints, executable section might be detected
  • extending section
    • increase the size of the last section

code injection

  • transporting your payload from once process to another. why?

    • escape from short-lived process
    • change working context (so move to a process that e.g. typically talks to the internet)
    • backup C2, TOON: two is one, one is none
  • payload injection into running remote process

    • first: get shellcode into remote process
    • second: make target process call your (now-included) shellcode
  • typical examples

    • VirtualAllocEx, WriteProcessMemory + CreateRemoteThread
    • loading DLLs into remote process
      • CreateRemoteThread with LoadLibrary and a path to our malicious DLL
      • open process search for LoadLibrary or as kernel32 is loaded at same address, we can use the same address from our process
      • GetProcAddress to find Loadlibrary, VirtualAllocEx, WriteProcessMemory, CreateRemoteThread with LoadLibrary
        • note in the injected DLL we typically use DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH event for starting (in the DllMain function)

Making Programs Invisible

  • we’re talking about a black window opening up (from your dropper)
  • how to get rid of this window?
    • call FreeConsole(), but windows will still be visible
    • create a WinMain function instead of main and add /subsystem:windows flag to compiler