Unauthenticated Enumeration

Basically, we’re searching for potential entry points into the azure tenant.

Semi-Manual Checks

We can do some manual checks:

#check if organisation is on azure
# - username can be anything, doesn't matter
# - if namespacetype: managed, organisation is on azure
https://login.microsoftonline.com/getuserrealm.srf?login=[email protected]&xml=1
# get tenant ID
# UUID in token-endpoint is the tenant id
# Validate Email ID by sending requests to
POST https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/GetCredentialType

Using AADInternals]

Import-Module .\AADInternals\AADInternals.psd1
Invoke-AADIntReconAsOutsider -DomainName defcorphq.onmicrosoft.com
Tenant brand:       Defense Corporation
Tenant name:        defcorphq
Tenant id:          2d50cb29-5f7b-48a4-87ce-fe75a941adb6
DesktopSSO enabled: False
Name  : defcorphq.onmicrosoft.com
DNS   : True
MX    : True
SPF   : True
DMARC : False
Type  : Managed
STS   :

Enumerate subdomains (using MicroBust)

# try to find subdomains (takes forever)

Enumerate Blob Storage (using MicroBust)

PS C:\AzAD\Tools\MicroBurst> Invoke-EnumerateAzureBlobs -base defcorp
Found Storage Account -  defcorpcodebackup.blob.core.windows.net
Found Storage Account -  defcorpcommon.blob.core.windows.net
Found Container - defcorpcommon.blob.core.windows.net/backup
        Empty Public Container Available: https://defcorpcommon.blob.core.windows.net/backup?restype=container&comp=list

validate email addresses (using o365creeper)

use python 2.7 instead of python3, use full email address in file

PS C:\AzAD\Tools> C:\Python27\python.exe .\o365creeper\o365creeper.py -f C:\users\studentuser64\Documents\emails.txt
[email protected] - VALID
[email protected] - VALID
[email protected] - INVALID
[email protected] - INVALID
[email protected] - INVALID