Enterprise Applications

  • Application has
    • Application/AppRegistration (in tenant where it is registered)
    • Service Principal / Enterprise Application (in every directory where the application is used)
  • owner can add client secret (application password)
  • you can log i as a service: service principal login
    • typically no MFA is enforced
    • and now enumerate further with the identity/permissions of that application

Listing Applications through HTTP calls

#$URI = 'https://management.azure.com/subscriptions?api-version=2020-01-01'
$URI = 'https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/applications'
$RequestParams = @{
	Method = 'GET'
	Uri = $URI
	Headers = @{
		'Authorization' = "Bearer $graphaccess"
(Invoke-RestMethod @RequestParams).value

Add Application Client Password

There are special powershell scripts for that (Add-AzADAppSecert.ps1):

Import-Module Add-AzADAppSecret.ps1
$graphtoken = ".."

Add-AzADAddAppSecret -GraphToken $graphtoken

Client secret added to :
Object ID : 35589758-714e-43a9-be9e-94d22fdd34f6
App ID    : f072c4a6-b440-40de-983f-a7f3bd317d8f
App Name  : fileapp
Key ID    : 73d4fd43-81e9-4f3a-a81f-12a212153018
Secret    : xxx

Or you can use Use MS-Graph to set a new application password.